One Mind . . . One Heart . . .
One Life . . . One Spirit at a time.
About Our Programs
Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development, lovingly called, “the Institute,” is the home for classes and workshops facilitated by Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant and a team of highly trained faculty. Our programs are designed to support participants in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life experiences.
For the past 25 years, the Inner Visions Institute has served to advance its vision to:
Facilitate and elevate human consciousness
One Mind . . .
One Heart . . .
One Life . . .
One Spirit at a time.
This is the focus of our programs. We believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know that what prevents us from moving forward on the path toward these experiences are long-held, habitual behaviors and dominant negative thought patterns that short circuit the divine energy flowing through each of us. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honoring ways of being.
Our programs are highly experiential and designed to transform you at your core being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be a more peaceful, joy-filled and loving individual in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter.
Dr. Vanzant and the IVISD faculty use their combined years of study, practice and experience to guide participants through powerful, transformational exercises and compassionate conversations while providing practical information and tools to use when the workshop ends. What participants experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, the sense of personal power.
We invite you to explore one of our signature offerings listed below for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.
A Meditation For You by Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant

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